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seven stars

美 [ˈsevn stɑːrz]英 [ˈsevn stɑːz]
  • 网络七星;七星烟;香烟
seven starsseven stars
  1. Seven Stars Menthol Box will become Seven Stars Deep Menthol Box ;


  2. Seven stars , dragon , cloud and beauty are all on the body , what 's it ?


  3. Seven stars , the moon , as your eyes , beauty .


  4. But it was time to say goodbye to his seven stars . He would see them outside .


  5. Seven stars in the sky .


  6. Why is an ambitious dream by Hanjiang River awakened in the lamps of seven stars ?


  7. Good article ! There 's discussion of seven stars in Longquan treasured Jian of on Zhejiang TV station several days ago .


  8. Why don 't we go to my uncle 's farm on the seven stars mountain ? It 's a quite but interesting place .


  9. The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand , and the seven golden candlesticks .


  10. I don 't understand . a Jian with copper tun , seven stars in line , long round ridge must be in Ming dynasty ?


  11. But what appeared to be a fuzzy cluster in the sky became clear with binoculars : they were the seven stars in the Pleiades Group .


  12. In addition , approximately one-third of consumers who provided feedback to JT regarding Seven Stars Black Impact , requested a box version of the product be introduced .


  13. Seven Stars Big Dipper Multi-purpose colloid mill JM series , the colloid pump the ZB series , the mulser R series .


  14. I 'll love you till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry , and the seven stars go squawking like geese about the sky .


  15. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches : and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches .


  16. Pinewood Shepperton , home of the James Bond films , recently struck a deal with Seven Stars Media , a private company controlled by entrepreneur Bruno Wu .


  17. To the angel of the church in Ephesus say : these things says he who has the seven stars in his right hand , who is walking in the middle of the seven gold lights .


  18. With ever more extreme luxury hotels , it 's also a trend that seems particularly vibrant , the bottle of complimentary champagne you fail to finish making the hotel 's seven stars somehow worth it .


  19. Come by the well , get off a strange fellow from bunch in the woods , what seven stars talk to link a gleam of , doomsday will be expired by etc. , finish saying and run away .


  20. Joe , 31 , can see only seven stars in his small slice of sky . He has spent nearly three years with those stars outside his window in a prison in Douglas , South Africa , counting the days of his sentence for housebreaking .


  21. Even today , says the legend , the girls can be seen above the towering rock , as seven shining stars in the night sky .


  22. The rustling leaves will read it aloud to me , the rushing stream will chant it , and the seven wise stars will sing it to me from the sky .


  23. The Seven Kingdoms ' biggest stars will gather together once more in the form of a home video reunion .


  24. And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write ; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God , and the seven stars ; I know thy works , that thou hast a name that thou livest , and art dead .


  25. The book of Revelation is full of symbolic use of the number seven in connection with the things of God and his angels , and also the things of Satan and his followers , such as seven spirits , seven stars , seven churches , seven gold candlesticks .
